2008 Nitro 17 Ft 9 in / Mercury 90 $ 13995.00

2008 Honda 50 LRTA Power Tilt & Trim $ 4970.00

Sold new in 2008. Removed from a stick steering boat. EFI engine (electronic fuel injection) 449.0 Total time/48.5 Idle time/30.5 Trolling time/25.5 Wide open throttle time/344.5 Partial time. Start count 4148 starts.

This engine is electric start and manual tilt. 3 cylinder / stainless steel prop

1997 Trophy center console / Mercury 200 $5500.00

Engine is newer than the boat. This engine was installed as a repower new in 2004. Boat could use some work. Engine has been sitting a while, but a known good engine. 25 inch transom engine.